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About me

I’m passionate about empowering product teams to achieve their mission to fix real-world problems. I love travel, typography, and curling up with a SciFi/mystery book.

What I'm up to

In my free time lately, you'll find me outside in the dirt trying to keep our plants alive 🪴, strolling along the Atlanta Beltline, or with my nose in a book 📚. I've also taken a stab at learning more HTML, CSS & Javascript, and I used this website as an opportunity to practice!

Let's work together

Reach out to me and let's see how we can collaborate.

Email me
My skills & tools
  • Figma
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Design Systems
  • Prototyping
  • Wireframing
  • Product Strategy
  • Workshop Facilitation
  • Brand Identity Systems
  • Documentation
  • HTML/CSS (My GitHub)
  • Who I've worked with