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Figma Training Workshop for Non-Designers

I worked with Thesis to create and proctor voluntary workshops on Figma basics to foster my team's professional development.

UI Lead


Workshop Facilitation
Design Documentation
Design Thinking
Screenshot of Figma workshop

My design approach

In my research, I found that YouTube tutorials, Figma documentation, and Figma Community files were geared towards professional designers. They were too complex and assumed a lot of existing knowledge.

I streamlined the material to the essential workflows my colleagues needed. I designed and ran several remote workshops facilitated via Zoom. I received positive feedback from participants who said they felt less overwhelmed by Figma afer the workshop.

Screenshots of workshop

The workshop results

After seeing success internally, I thought other designers may also want to run this workshop.

I published the file to Figma Community along with workshop documentation. As of June 2024, it's been downloaded 700+ times and viewed 2,000+ times!

View the Community file
Screenshot of results